GIB Coolmix
GIB Coolmix

Perlcon GIB COOL MIX is a light weight insulation concrete ready mix mortar which is ideal for over deck insulation and roof treatments. It consists of specially processed light wight aggregate (Perlcon Glazed Iso Ball – GIB), cement OPC 53 grade, formulated with special additives to enhance working and setting characteristics, also improves workability and coverage. When dry, it provides superior insulation to underneath layer that prevents heat transfers form one side to the other. It is inert, weather proof layer which serves you for years & saves air conditioning cost up to 30% moreover it has excellent thermal and accoustic insulation properties.
Light in weight
Convenient and easy to apply
Low carbon emission
Provides excellent bonding
Cool and comfortable living
Ready Mix
Energy saving upto 35%
Technical Specifications
Dry Density: 500 – 550 Kg/m³
Water Demand: 60 – 65 % by weight
Pot Life: 140 – 160 Min
Compressive Strength: ˃ 5 Mpa (after 28 Days)
Thermal conductivity: 0.128 w/mk ASTM C177
R Value: 2.78 per 25 mm #
U Value: 0.36 w/m2k #
Fire Resistance: Non Flammable / IS 11239
# Value of Thermal Resistance in Accordance with ASTM C1363. 11